Work Packages
- Work package type and PREPARATION
- Title: Review and Network between partners
- Description:
Establishment of the partner’s network and initiates project benchmark. Introducing the project partners with different models and procedures in EU‐Universities and NGO collaboration, relevant structures and current practices.
Determine the project criteria, requirements and needs. Establish a group of specialists and consultants. Formulating the project tasks (training material, tasks, aims, working principles) and staff assignment.
A set of activities will lead to the following outputs:
- Project start up activities: organization of kick‐off meeting and establishment of project work groups -2representatives from each partner- and management boards.
- Report on partner’s university cooperation to include a detailed analysis of the university cooperation and development trends. Creation of a university networks.
- Good Practice Guide. Over the past years European partners have developed policies and implemented activities for the promotion of cooperation with universities. Arab partners will be invited to European partner institutions to collect success stories and benchmark best practices while comparing resulting benefits.
- Creation of a platform for exchange of experiences, information and good practices with a view to fostering a regular dialogue & coaching among universities and business sector on cooperation activities, boosting the development of collaborative projects with the traditional craft training for university students. Research visits to EU to gain basic knowledge on craft training programs. A group of academic from Jordan and Syria will visit EU partner in order to get acquainted with their curricula, student performance on training and school practices and teaching methodologies. This will lead to the formulation of clear and specific guidance on training and project requirements.
Taking into account the framework in the preparation of guidelines / instructions governing the training process.
Consultation with all partners to prepare a comprehensive plan for craft training. - Tasks:
- 1.1 Project start up activities
- 1.2 Prepare operation plans for the skills and guidance sector of the project
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 15/11/2019
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 15/4/2020
- Work package type and DEVELOPMENT
- Title: Assessment studies for the needs of master craftsmen and students
- Description:
parameters required to achieve the result WP2
- Determining general skills and competencies desired as mandatory elements of the program.
- Study and analyze needs of students, trainees, master craftsmen and teachers.
- Listing the expected general skills in leading colleges.
Activities to achieve result WP2
- Identifying the necessary expected skills and competencies.
- Studying the skills development in EU partner universities.
- Preparation and performance of a statistical analysis on traditional craft members and students' needs and expectations
Means of implementation and responsibilities
- Review the curricula of colleges leading with respect to the integration of expected general skills.
- Workshop with a master craft training centers at leading colleges.
- Workshops at the partner universities on strategic planning process.
- Tasks:
- 2.1 Define traditional craft skills and competencies
- 2.2 List of equivalence of craft skills and of needed skills
- 22.3 Analyze and quantify qualifications required by the labor market
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 15/11/2019
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 15/9/2021
- Work package type and DEVELOPMENT
- Title: Employment sector database (traditional craft associations)
- Description:
parameters required to achieve the results WP3
- Nominate craft specialists at consortium universities
- Develop a data base to include craft associations and companies
Activities to achieve Outcome:
- Traditional craft labor market data collection for national companies, regional and international.
- Create the corresponding data base for the traditional craft workshop in each of the partner universities.
- Communicate with businesses to demonstrate the possibility of cooperation.
- Cooperation with the local municipalities and Labor
- Cooperation with Ministry of Education.
- List interested members of the business sector.
Means of implementation and responsibilities
- Meetings with relevant organizations and Institutions.
- Database management
- Tasks:
- 3.1 Nominate craft specialists at consortium universities
- 3.2 Develop a data base to include craft associations and companies
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :1/6/2020
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 15/9/2021
- Work package type and DEVELOPMENT
- Title: Purchase of equipment and workshop materials
- Description:
Definition of tender specifications and procurement procedures. Al list of equipment and workshop materials will be prepared for each of the partner institutions in order to allow them to start their own procurement procedures.
As a general criterion, as one of the side objectives of the present proposal is to enhance housing the traditional crafts and vocational skills, purchase of computers as a teaching material will be needed by the partner countries universities in order to offer to students suitable and modern facilities and to create the basis of a wider use of Learning / teaching process.
The tendering procedures will be launched to purchase materials and installation of equipment. QA to ensure that the purchase will respect the principle of "best value for money". Purchasing and installation of equipment will be carried out individually by each university in Jordan and Syria according to their identified needs. - Tasks:
- 4.1 Selection of Equipment
- 4.2 Implementation of the center
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :15/6/2020
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 15/9/2021
- Work package type and DEVELOPMENT
- Title: Make traditional crafts skills competency development an integrated part in Teaching
- Description:
Axes required to achieve the result WP5
- Teaching and learning programs for preserving the traditional processes at the workshop through housing the master craftsmen.
- Teaching and learning programs for developing design skills at the workshop
- Teaching and learning programs for career skills at the workshop.
- Sessions held within the undergraduate programs at leading colleges in the areas of overall efficiency that meets the needs of the labor market.
- Training workshops in the field of competency‐based learning.
Activities to achieve result WP5 axes
- Selection and design of cycles of career skills at the center.
- Introduction of career skills courses in the study programs at participating universities
Means of implementation and responsibilities
- Workshop skills in leading colleges.
- Skills craft design workshop at UNIFI.
- Skills workshop at the universities in EU partners
- Documenting and promoting career skills courses by the relevant authorities in universities
- Tasks:
- 5.1 Develop teaching and learning programs for the preserving the traditional processes
- 5.2 Train lecturers in competency based learning
- 5.3 Integrate competency based learning in study programs
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :1/12/2020
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 14/10/2022
- Work package type and DEVELOPMENT
- Title: Traditional Craft contemporary design guidance and counseling programs for the career sector
- Description:
Axes required to achieve the result WP6
- Programs in the field of traditional craft design criteria, process, and parameters
- Programs in the field of contemporary traditional craft design criteria, process, parameters, and marketing.
- Programs in the field of career planning and career management.
- Staff training programs in traditional craft design and how to get started.
- Automated professional information system
- Annual exhibition of work process and achievements
Activities to achieve result WP6
- Development and implementation of traditional craft design training programs for professional services at leading colleges
- Development and implementation of contemporary craft design training programs for professional services at leading colleges
- Create training modules for students.
- Preparation and participation in annual exhibition
Overall goal of the program:
- developing the capacity of the target group in traditional craft guidance
- Extract a total training capacity in the future.
Sub‐objectives of the program:
- Familiarity with the concepts, rationales, goals, theories, foundations of traditional guidance and counselling
- Providing the target group with the skills to deal with the difficulties professional decision
- Empowerment of the target group of detection methods for students' abilities and interests.
- Identify methods of alignment between students' abilities, interests and opportunities.
- Enabling the target group to design plans of traditional craft guidance
- Tasks:
- 6.1 Workshops and trainings in traditional craft design criteria, process, and parameters
- 6.2 Workshops and trainings in contemporary traditional craft design criteria, process, and parameters
- 6.3 Programs in the field of career planning and career management
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :15/10/2020
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :14/10/2022
- Work package type and QUALITY PLAN
- Title: Quality control and project monitoring
- Description:
Quality control and monitoring mechanisms in place at all participating institutions. Each participating institution, including EU partners, will have to prepare a short document highlighting in a schematic way which are the main Quality control and monitoring in place at their respective institutions
Quality control and monitoring is provided by ZUJ as coordinator. WUSMED has the overall responsibility to follow activities, to access their implementation and to secure that the achievement envisaged by the consortium as planned in the proposal will be reached. All partner countries coordinators of the project partners must send regular reports and presentations of project progress (e.g., courses methodology presentation) to ZUJ.
Some important parts of the project (like evaluation of courses materials, functionality of craft skills and training) will be checked during visits of specialists from EU partners (WUSMED) to universities from ME.
All the project progress will be shown at the project website. The project budget and costs effectiveness will be thoroughly checked using the strategy for the project.
Clear financial management / controlling is the base for efficient leading of the project.The project progress will be measured quantitatively using following statistics:
- number of courses available through craft skills training systems
- number of studying people in partner countries universities.
- methodology publication
- specifications publication
- number of students participating at the University
- Number of participant from craft community
- number of trained unemployed people
- number of courses established
- number of participants found job after courses
- Adoption of developed methodology and legal documentation by the Arab educational ministries.
If the quality differs from the expected, the partners are granted fora limited time intervals to improve.
- Tasks:
- 7.1 Quality control, monitoring and budgetary control
- 7.2 Check of courses materials & courses & craft systems
- 7.3 Project task supervision, result evaluation and examination of courses results
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :15/11/2019
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 14/10/2022
- Work package type and DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION
- Title: Project Dissemination
- Description:
Dissemination of the project will be realized in many ways. At the beginning of the project a multi‐lingual website (in Arabic and English) will be launched. It will contain information about the project's aims, participants and plans.
Successful results and progresses of the project will be easily web‐published and advertised to the international public.
The traditional craft training systems with all materials will be publicly available on the website. ZUJ and other partner in ME provided for the maintenance of the web side and webmaster after the end of the Erasmus funding. The Ministry of Education and enterprises will help by maintenance and Sustainability the project results.
Activities to achieve result 8 axes
- Partnerships between businesses with public and private craft vocational guidance centers.
- Develop a plan to expand the options in professional services and skills for the periods in the short and medium term.
- Involve businesses in the public and private activities of craft vocational guidance centers and skills
- determine future activities for future project extension
- describes the tasks and prepare a plan of operation within the time frame for the periods after project end.
- Organize an international workshop for organizing the project works.
Axes required to achieve the result WP8
- The project site on the internet: Website design for the project and updated regularly, as well as links to all partners.
- About internal and external events: Preparing information for internal and external events
- Conferences: conference during the project, participation in annual meetings of the National Erasmus office
Means of implementation and responsibilities
- Updating information on the project every six months.
- Publication of a case study on best practices in universities of the EU and Arab partners
- Lectures on methods / results of the project and the challenges it faces
The partners will disseminate and advertise the project directly to the target groups. Promotion of the project concept will be done by student unions using different ways, e.g., publications in student press or online‐forums.
Students and teachers form ME will be invited to participate in the project.
ZUJ in Jordan jointly with the other University develops common methodology and legal documentation for the lifelong and craft education for all Arab countries.
The project concept will be promoted also by academics of partner universities. After completion of the project the ministry of education will support the maintenance and Sustainability the project. - Tasks:
- 8.1 Opening of the project data base HANDS for external partners via Internet
- 8.2 Prepare and conduct internal/external information events, mid‐term/final conferences (information events and conferences)
- 8.3 Participation in annual Erasmus project representatives meeting and job fairs
- 8.4 Distribution of project documentation material
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :15/11/2019
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 14/10/2022
- Work package type and DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION
- Title: Exploitation of results and sustainability
- Description:
Axes required to achieve the result 9
- Complex analysis of craft vocational training processes.
- Courses sustainability in long‐term perspective.
- Finding external funding sources
Activities to achieve result 8 axes
- Partnerships between businesses with public and private craft vocational guidance centers.
- Develop a plan to expand the options in professional services and skills for the periods in the short and medium term.
- Involve businesses in the public and private activities of craft vocational guidance centers and skills
- determine future activities for future project extension
- describes the tasks and prepare a plan of operation within the time frame for the periods after project end.
- Organize an international workshop for organizing the project works.
Means of implementation and responsibilities
- Organize workshops on broader strategic options for participation institutions.
- Organize an international workshop for strategic planning of the project options
- Tasks:
- 9.1 Involve the public/private employment sector in activities/services of the HANDS centre
- 9.2 Establish a training centre in ZUJ and TU
- 9.3 Workshop on broader strategic options as follow up project activities
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :15/3/2022
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 14/10/2022
- Work package type and MANAGEMENT
- Title: Management and Operational Structures
- Description:
Coordinator HANDS is responsible for the overall management of the project and the partnership. ZUJ will be responsible for its implementation according to ERASMUS+ rules, managing the budget, formulating methodology and tools for project implementation, allocating tasks, issuing working plans and guidelines, monitoring progress according to schedule, issuing of reports, organization of meetings and contacts with the Commission.
The structure of the project management will consist of: Project Coordinator (PC), Management Team (MT), Project Steering Committee (StC), Scientific Team (SC), and Quality Committee (QC), in addition to Training and Technical Group (TTG). An external auditor will be assigned by each partner to guarantee the compliance with EU regulations and project budget line. The MT will be composed of the PC and the administrative service, a Monitoring Expert, and Finance Expert. PC will supervise and coordinate all activities, ensuring that all partners are working towards the same objectives; contractually, technically and administratively and strictly collaborating with the Management Team. The PC will ensure that all partners’ contributions meet the Work Plan expectations.
The PC will be responsible for: representing the consortium towards the EC, ensuring effective flow of information between partners, ensuring the implementation of the agreed action plan to the agreed standards and deadlines, ongoing evaluation of project activities and reporting on project progress to the EU, and defining and identifying the project deliverables for the Commission from the inputs received by participants.
Responsible for strategic decisions, as well as for the authorization of purchases will be the Steering Committee (StC). Members of the StC will be the project coordinator and representatives from the rest of the partners. The StC will meet twice a year in order to discuss the project progress ensuring its completion according to the schedule and its objectives.
The supervision of scientific and technical activities so that they meet the project’s objectives and a high level of quality will be assigned to the Scientific and Supervising Committee (SC) where experts from all partners will participate. The SC will report its progress to the coordinator.
The QC will be responsible for developing a system for quality, monitoring, and evaluation.
The QC will be chaired by an EU partner, and 2 members from JO and 5 members from EU partners.
The preparation and carrying out of the training activities will be assigned to the Training & Technical Group (TTG) in which representatives of all partners will participate. TTG will report its progress also to the coordinator.
Permanent and effective communication with all partners will be ensured with the use of a restricted access area of the project website where all project documents will be uploaded.
Communication will take place also through face to face meetings, skype meetings, e-mails and telephone contacts.
In case of conflicts, the coordinator will make decisions after discussing the matter with all partners. If the conflict is of strategic importance for the successful completion of the project it will be brought to the StC which will take the final decision after voting, with the vote of the coordinator counting double if necessary for achieving majority.
- Tasks:
- 10.1 Kick-off Meeting
- 10.2 Establishment of MT and StC
- 10.3 Establishment of Scientific and Supervising Committee (SC)
- 10.4 Operational Staff
- 10.5 Establishment of Training and Technical Group
- 10.6 Auditing
- 10.7 Submission of Intermediate and Final Reports
- 10.8 Financial and Administrative Management
- 10.9 Consortium meetings
- Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) :15-11-2019
- Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) : 14/10/2022