Department of Graphic Design

Head of Graphic Design Dr. Alaa Al-Sharaa   Graphic Design Department About the Department :   Due to the labor market’s need for qualified individuals in Graphic Design skills such as computer graphics, electronic marketing, animation, advertising design, and other areas of work, no public or private institution does not need specialists in graphic design and […]

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Vision, Mission and Goals

Vision Towards leadership, creativity and enhancing competitiveness in the fields of Multimedia and its applications Mission Create an educational learning environment in multimedia that support  entrepreneurship and creativity in development and community service. Goals Developing the study plan in line with the requirements of quality and labor market. Embody the concept of governance through teamwork […]

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Dean’s Message

 Dr.Fou’ad Al qurum Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Faculty of Architecture and Design. I hope this meets your satisfaction and expectations, with my pleasure of receiving your feedback and suggestions. The Faculty of Architecture and Design at Al Zaytoonah University of […]

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Faculty of Architecture and Design

FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN The Faculty of Architecture and Design was established in the year 2017 with two departments: Architecture, which was established in the academic year 2011/2012, and Graphic Design, which was established in the year 2001/2002, in addition to the Department of Multimedia Technology, which was established in the year 2018-2019. In […]

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Erasmus+ Programme

            Modernization of Teaching Methodologies In Higher Education: EU Experience For Jordan And Palestinian Territory (METHODS)   Main Goal The main goal of METHODS project is to raise the competencies of individual learners to become active members of the knowledge society by enhancing the learning process of students and acquiring […]

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المؤتمر الدولي االسابع لكلية الآداب : آفاق مستقبلية للتربية والتعليم في ظل عالم متغير في الفترة من 3 – 4 إبريل /2018

  المؤتمر الدولي السابع لكلية الآداب آفاق مستقبلية للتربية والتعليم في ظل عالم متغير في الفترة من 3 – 4 إبريل /2018 :بريد المؤتمر  

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تسجيل المواد والسحب والاضافة للفصل الدراسي الاول للعام الجامعي 2017-2018


 تعلن دائرة القبول والتسجيل  في جامعة الزيتونة الاردنية بأن تسجيل المواد والسحب والاضافة للفصل الدراسي الاول للعام الجامعي 2017-2018 ما زال مستمر حتى يوم السبت الموافق 14-10-2017 و اول يوم للدوام الرسمي هو يوم الاحد 15-10-2017

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