Laboratories And Workshops


  Faculty of Science and Information Technology      Laboratories And Workshops     Laboratories And Workshops                          

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Scientific Research And Scientific Projects


Faculty of Science and Information Technology   Faculty Research Faculty Research 2020-2023  Faculty Research 2019-2020  Faculty Research 2018-2019 Department Research Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Cyber Security Software Engineering Mathematics Physics The Research Projects – Departments Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Cyber Security Software Engineering Mathematics Physics    

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Department Council


 Faculty of Science and Information Technology – Cybersecurity Cyber Security Department Council :  CV Major Academic Rank Position Name . No cv Telecom and Network Engineering  Associate Professor Member Dr. Ahmad Abed Alhameed Alkhatib 1 cv Computer Science- Information Security/Cryptography Professor Member  Prof. Mohammad Ahmad Alia 2 cv Network Security  Professor Member  Dr. Adnan Ahmad Hnaif […]

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Academic Programs


 Faculty of Science and Information Technology Programs offered by the Department: Program Name: Bachelor’s degree in Cyber Security Department Program Information:   # Content  Plan Study Plan (2021-2022) Study Plan (2021-2020) Course Brief Description (2021-2022) Guidance Plan (2021-2022) The Matrix of Study Materials Learning Methods and Assessment Methods (2021-2022) Matrix of Correlation Between Program Learning Outcomes and Courses (2021-2022) […]

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Vision and Mission And Objectives


 Faculty of Science and Information Technology Vision : Toward a competitive department in the academic programs of science and information technology, scientific research and community service. Mission : Fulfilling the needs of the labor market of professionals and qualified technical expertise, capable of development and innovation in cyber security program, directing the scientific research process to […]

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Academic Programs


 Faculty of Science and Information Technology   Programs offered by the Department: Program Name: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems Department Program Information:   # Content Plan Study Plan (2017-2018)    Study Plan (2018-2019)    Course Brief Description (2017-2018)    Course Brief Description (2018-2019)    Indicative plan (2021-2020) A sample learning outcomes matrix for the course  with the subjects(2017-2018)  […]

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Vision and Mission And Objectives


 Faculty of Science and Information Technology Vision : Toward a competitive department in the academic programs of science and information technology, scientific research and community service. Mission : Fulfilling the needs of the labor market of professionals and qualified technical expertise, capable of development and innovation in cyber security program, directing the scientific research process to […]

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 Faculty of Science and Information Technology   Archive link/ Master  link/ BachelorS  DEPARTMENT Physics               

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Electronic Documents


Faculty of Science and Information Technology     Faculty Directory     Student Guide   People of Determination Guide            

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