
Master Thesis Abstracts for Law   Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1.  International responsibility for the Israeli crimes committed in Gaza Strip Shrouq Ghaleb  Alshamaileh Prod. Sarah Al-Arasi – 29-08-2024 Arabic  PDF 2. Alternative penalties to imprisonment in Jordanian legislation Ahmad Mohammad Bgoom Dr. Ali Al-Jabra – […]

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Digital Marketing

Master Thesis Abstracts for Digital Marketing     Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. The Mediating Role of Customer Engagement in the Effect of e-CRM on e-WOM Attallah Abd-Alraheem Al-Wledat Prof. Alaeddin Khalaf Ahmad – 02-06-2024 English PDF  2. The Impact of e-Service Quality on e-WOM […]

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Master Thesis Abstracts for Accounting   Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. The Impact of CEO Power on the Cost of Equity Capital of Jordanian Service Companies: The Mediating role of Integrated Reporting Quality and the Moderating Role of Board Gender Diversity Mervat suliman  alazaida Dr. […]

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Business Administration

Master Thesis Abstracts for Business Administration   Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. The Mediating Role of Organizational Integration on the Relationship Between Remote Management and Organizational Performance: An Applied Study in Jordanian Insurance Companies Sondos Amen Karajah Dr. Mohammad Aldwairi –  21-08-2024 Arabic PDF 2. The […]

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Pharmaceutical Sciences

  Master Thesis Abstracts for Pharmaceutical Sciences   Academic year 2023-2024 Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. Ortho-Trifluoromethyl Substituted Aryl Sulfonamides as Potential Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Inhibitors  Rawan Jamal Hamadeh Prof. Reema Abu Khalaf –  02-09-2024 English PDF 2. Development of a Colon-Targeted Grape Seed Extract-Based Nanomedicine for Ulcerative […]

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Software Engineering

Master Thesis Abstracts for Software Engineering     Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. A Proposed Quality Model for Gaming as A Service (GaaS) Through Comparative Analysis of Cloud Gaming Platforms Rand Naser Albustanji Dr. Ahmed Alkhatib Dr. Ameen Shaheen 30-05-2019 English PDF 2. Examining School Children’s […]

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Computer Science

Master Thesis Abstracts for Computer Science Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. Cybersecurity in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): OTP for Multilayer Authentication from Cyber Attack Hussain Ali Mohammad Porf. Shadi Al-Zu’bi  – 10/01/2024 English PDF 2. Propose a new Education Management Information Systems quality model: OpenEMIS Jordan […]

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  Business Administration Pharmaceutical Sciences Clinical Nursing/ Adult Digital Marketing     Accounting     Business Analysis     Law English Language/ Literature Computer Science     Software Engineering     Mathematics Faculty of Architecture and Design Graphic Design      

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Forms of Graduate Studies Procedures

نماذج إجراءات مجلس الدراسات العليا الإجراء اسم النموذج  رقم النموذج تحميل إجراءات القبول والدراسة في برنامج الماجستير 1. نموذج قرار قبول طالب ومتابعته في برنامج الماجستير qf22/0101-3.2 WORD PDF 2. نموذج قائمة الطلبة المقبولين في برامج الماجستير qf22/0102-3.2 WORD PDF 3. نموذج طلب احتساب مواد واعفاء من مواد استدراكية لطلبة الماجستير qf22/0103-3.2 WORD PDF 4. […]

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Instructions for Granting Master’s Degree

Instructions for Granting Master’s Degree المواد النص الأصلي     المادة (1) : تُسمى هذهِ التعليمات ” تعليمات منح درجة الماجستير في جامعة الزيتونة الأردنية”، ويُعمل بها اعتباراً من تاريخ اقرارها في مجلس العمداء.     المادة (2) : يكون للكلمات والعبارات التالية المعاني الواردة إزاء كل منها ما لمْ تدل القرينة على خلاف ذلك: […]

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