TTO Director

Dr. Mohammad Mahmoud Abdallah Director of Technology Transfer Office Assistant Professor, Software Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and IT. Dr. Mohammad obtained a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. Then completed his studies at the University of Bradford in UK and obtained a master’s in Software Engineering and then earned a […]

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بدء استقبال طلبات المنافسة على جائزة الحسن بن طلال للتميز العلمي للعام 2021

        تعلن الأمانة العامة للمجلس الأعلى للعلوم والتكنولوجيا عن تخصيص جائزة الحسن بن طلال للتميّز العلمي للعام 2021 لمؤسسات التعليم العالي باستثناء التعليم التقني، هذا وقد أنشأ المجلس الأعلى في عام 1995 هذه الجائزة تكريماً لمكانة سمو الأمير الحسن بن طلال المعظم- رئيس المجلس الأعلى للعلوم والتكنولوجيا- في دعم العلم والعلماء والتميز […]

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Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Journals


  Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Journal for Human and Social Studies   Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Journal for Human and Social Studies is a scientific, refereed and periodical journal, categorized in the Global Database (EBSCO). It is issued in three electronic and paper issues per year, and holds the International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN): (online: […]

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Grading & Recognition System

Grading & recognition system at ZUJ: Local Grade Description No. of points * A Excellent 84-100 B Very good 76-83.9 C Good 68-75.9 D Satisfactory 60-67.9 E Sufficient 50-60 FX Fail 35-49.9 F Fail 35-49.9   ECTS Credits ZUJ Credit 3 1.5 4 2 6 3 8 4 10 5 * Note: The indicated number of […]

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Master Of Mathematics

 Faculty of Science and Information Technology   About the Department : The Master of Mathematics program was approved in 2020, There are also 2 faculty members at the rank of an associate.   Program Information Department of Mathematics MSc : Content Link # (Study Plan (2020-2021 (Guidance Plan (2020-2021 (The brief description of materials (2020-2021

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Academic Staff

 Faculty of Science and Information Technology – Cybersecurity Cyber Security Department Academic Staff :  CV Major Academic Rank Position Name . No cv Telecom and Network Engineering  Associate Professor Member Dr. Ahmad Abed Alhameed Alkhatib 1 cv Computer Science- Information Security/Cryptography Professor Member  Prof. Mohammad Ahmad Alia 2 cv Network Security  Professor Member  Dr. Adnan Ahmad […]

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Study Plan and Course Descriptions

 Faculty of Science and Information Technology Programs offered by the Department: Program Name: Bachelor’s degree in Cyber Security Department Program Information:   # Content  Plan Study Plan (2021-2022) Study Plan (2021-2020) Course Brief Description (2021-2022) Guidance Plan (2021-2022) The Matrix of Study Materials Learning Methods and Assessment Methods (2021-2022) Matrix of Correlation Between Program Learning Outcomes and Courses (2021-2022) […]

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Cyber security

 Faculty of Science and Information Technology Chair Department of Cyber Security Dr. Ahmad Abed Alhameed Alkhatib       Cyber security: The cybersecurity specialization is an applied specialty, which increases the opportunity for the student to have an actual practical application, which in turn leads to an increase in the student’s experience and excellence in this field. The specialization […]

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