Scientific Conferences and Achievements

Conferences : The Eighth Conference of the Faculty of Arts / Department of Arabic Language and Literature, titled “Jerusalem in Modern Arabic Poetry” held on 19-21/7/2022 The Seventh International Conference of the Faculty of Arts / Department of Classroom Teacher, titled “Future Prospects for Education in a Changing World” in 2018. The Sixth Conference of […]

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Faculty Council

 Council of the Faculty of Arts for the Academic year 2023/2024: .No Name  Academic Rank Position 1 Dr. Musa Ahmad Alzghoul  Assistant professor  Dean – Faculty of Arts / Head of the Board 2 Dr. Suliman diab al-ahmad Assistant professor Vice-Dean – Faculty of Arts / Member  3  Prof. Alaa Eldeen Ahmad Al-Gharaibeh Full professor […]

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Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision Access to competitive quality education locally and regionally, research activities that contribute to achieving standards of quality assurance of education, and interaction with the local community in a sustainable manner. Mission The college works to provide an active interactive learning environment aimed at improving the learning outcomes in the college, and supporting scientific research […]

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Dean’s Message

  Dr. Musa Ahmad Al-Zghoul   We, in the faculty of Arts, believe that good faculty teaches, but distinguished one makes change possible. Accordingly, our vision and mission seek to enhance excellence and continuous improvement in performance through policy of scientific, cognitive and, managerial openness. This policy consists of  two approaches, internal and external. In […]

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Survey Questionnaires

The college implementing a set of questionnaires are as follows: Solicit the views of the local labor market in faculty graduates Polled graduates in the teaching program, Polled students in the implementation of the theoretical course by the student Polled in implementing the practical courses. To explore the views of students in the services by the faculty […]

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Master Program

MASTER PROGRAM Vision, Mission, Goals, and Learning Outcomes for Master Program Building specialized competencies in the field of Clinical Nursing/Adult, provided with the knowledge, skills and leadership, creative and entrepreneurial competencies necessary to compete in the global labor market, through effective application in the use of information technology and modern teaching and learning strategies. Program […]

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Quality Assurance in the Faculty

Quality Assurance (Q.A) Definition of Quality Assurance Office at the Faculty of Nursing The Quality Assurance Office was established at the Faculty of Nursing in parallel with the start of the quality assurance approach adopted by the University in early 2011. The Office was prepared and equipped with the necessary communication equipment and means of […]

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Laboratories and Workshops

Faculty of Nursing Laboratories The faculty has a group of distinguished laboratories equipped with all modern instruments and tools and simulations. These laboratories and equipment contribute to achieving the learning objectives of the various courses and gain the students the necessary skills and competencies that help them to start applying the skills and dealing with […]

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Department Of Nursing

        Department Of Nursing The Nursing Department aims at providing students with theoretical nursing information as well as fundamental and advanced nursing skills, which take part in preparing professional nurses whose are capable of providing comprehensive nursing care for the Jordanian population.   The nursing Department manages the optimal preparation and application of […]

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Activities (Workshops Exhibitions Meetings/Seminars): Nursing Students engage in many activities, including:  1- Sports activities Every year a football team is formed from all study levels in the faculty. This team participates in football tournaments within the University.  2- Cultural activities Student Group (“Nursing for You”) A number of faculty students formed a student group, with […]

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