
This file summarizes the scope of the scientific activities carried out at Al-Zaytoonah University during the past three academic years (2010-2012), and falls in line with the general necessary specific and structure required by the accreditation of higher education commission in order to increase the capacity of the University and includes three items and specify […]

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The university follows a rational governance that manages the relationship between its employees based on instructions issued by the boards of councils in addition to Jordanian Universities Act and regulations of the University of Jordan and instructions set forth by the Deans Council of Zaytoonah University   1- Jordan Universities By-law.  2- Higher Education and Scientific Research […]

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ZUJ & Community

The University has largely recognized its contribution to the Jordanian community as being an  important institutional responsibility. In this respect, the local community monitors the perceptions of the University and appropriate strategies taken to improve the understanding and enhance its reputation and image. This, however, stems from the realization of responsibilities of the university towards […]

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Job Opportunities

      Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon      

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Give to ZUJ

To realize the responsibilities of the University towards the community, the University offers in-kind assistance and support to its outstanding students. However, as the need for support far exceeds of what the university can offer in terms of grants to students with distinguished academic records who are unable them to cover part or full tuition […]

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Keep in Touch

Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon      

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Success Stories

      Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon      

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      Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon      

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Join Us

      Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon      

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