ZUJ & Community

The University has largely recognized its contribution to the Jordanian community as being an  important institutional responsibility. In this respect, the local community monitors the perceptions of the University and appropriate strategies taken to improve the understanding and enhance its reputation and image. This, however, stems from the realization of responsibilities of the university towards […]

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Join Us

      Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon      

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Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. More Information Will be Available Soon       доставка цветов по киеву goldenflower.com.ua europosud.ua

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Admission and Registration Forms Forms of scientific research (Available in Arabic) rondell flamme europosud.ua шторы на люверсах yarema.ua

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  Mailing Address:   The Dean of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences   Al- Zaytoonah University of Jordan     P.O.Box 130 Amman 11733 – Jordan   4291511 – 009626 Phone No.: 4291432 – 009626 :Fax No.   E-mail: economics.conf12@zuj.edu.jo   www.zuj.edu.jo

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    No. Name Lab Number Graduation Year Degree University Job Title Assigned task  Joining Date 1 Asmaa sulman abu sa’aleek 143 -145 2011 Physics bachelor Jordan University Supervisor In physics lab make the lab ready before the experiment correct the lab reports keep the lab tools and equipments Monitoring exams  2013 2 Wejdan walid […]

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Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: A- Mechanisms for applying of quality standards in – Educational Institutions. – Academic programs (Bachelor). – The field of scientific research. – The field of community service. – Graduate programs.   B- Quality management in Higher education – The use of International quality management models. – […]

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IACQA’2013(3rdconference) will be organized by Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan has witnessed remarkable progress in both academic and administrative levels, and in infrastructure, buildings and facilities. It Includes seven faculties with twenty five majors, and two Masters programs in Business Administration and Pharmacy. The University’s location overlooks the Queen Alia International Airport highway.  […]

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  The Third International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA’2013) 2-4/4/2013   The International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education  (IACQA) is a forum for scientists, researchers, and experts to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of quality assurance in higher education. It is […]

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• Absolute faith in the Arab individuals’ potential it he is availed the opportunity to take the homeland to the standards of developed nations.  • Confidence in the fact that the Arab individual’s capable developers’ his own skills and abilities to attain a better future for himself and him institutions’.  • Reinforcing the national drive […]

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