Department of Computer Networks

  No. Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. adnan hnaif Head of the Department of Computer Networks Click here  2  Dr. Mohammad Rawajbeh Associate Professor  Click here 3 Dr. Ahmad Abusukhon Assistant Professor Click Here 4  Dr. Ameni Al-obaid Assistant Professor Click here 5 Dr. Zyad Dosouqy Assistant Professor Click here

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Business Administration

  .No Name Academic Rank  Portal Link 1 Dr. Naser Aboyassin Associate Professor -Dean Click Here  2  Dr. AbdulAzez Mohammed Associate Professor – Head of Business Administration  Click Here 3 Dr. Najm Abood  Associate Professor  Click Here   4 Dr. Saad Yaseen  Associate Professor  Click Here  5 Dr. Khaled Al-Omoush Associate Professor  Click Here  6 Dr. Mohommad Al-Ajlouni […]

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Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

1- Department of Business Administration 2- Department of Accounting 3- Department of Banking And Finance 4- Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management 5- Department of Management Information Systems 6- Department of Marketing 7- Department of Tourism Management купить термос

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Department of Nursing

  No. Name Academic Rank Portal Link  1 Dr. Loai Abu-sharour Associate Professor – Dean Click Here  2  Dr. Dalal Mohammad Assistant Professor – Deputy Dean Click Here  3  Dr. Andaleeb Abu Kamel Associate Professor – Deputy Director of the Office of Accreditation Click Here 4 Dr. Shirooq Jacoub Professor Click Here 5 Dr. Khaled Suleiman Associate Professor Click Here 6 […]

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Department of Software Engineering

  الرقم اسماء اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية الرتبة الاكاديمية  رابط بوابة عضو الهيئة التدريسية  1 Dr. Abdelfatah Tamimi Professor/ Dean Click Here 2 Dr. Ahmad Thunibat Assistant Professor  Click Here 3  Dr. Mohammad Mohairat Associate Professor – Deputy Dean of Scientific Research Click Here 4 Dr. Nagham Almadi Assistant Professor Click Here 5 Dr.  Thamer Al-Rawashdeh […]

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Department of Computer Information Systems

    No. Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Mohammad Alia Dean – Associate Professor Click Here   2 Dr. Issa Al’otoum Assistant Professor Click Here   3  Dr. Khulood AbuMariah Assistant Professor Click Here  4 Dr. Omaima Alallaf Assistant Professor Click Here  5 Dr. Bilal Hawashin Assistant Professor Click Here  6 Dr. ahmad alkhatib Assistant […]

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Department Of Pharmacy

  .No Name Academic Rank  Portal Link  1 Prof. Tareq Al- Qirim Professor / Dean  Click Here  2 Dr. Lama Hamadeneh Assistant Professor / Deputy Dean Click Here 3 Dr. Sawsan Khdair Assistant Professor Click Here 4  Dr. Abdel Qader  Fares Al Bawab Head of pharmacy Department   Click Here 5 Dr. Eveen Al-Shalabli Assistant Professor / […]

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