Majors in Economics and Administrative Sciences for master

At Al-Zaytoonah University, we differentiate ourselves by encouraging participation in our MBA program from students of different specialties and backgrounds such as Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Pharmacy, Mathematics, Engineering and other non-business majors.  The MBA program encourages scientific research in business with a focus on innovation and development to aid in problem solving and sustainable […]

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About Multimedia Systems

 About the Department : Programs offered by the Department: Program Name : Bachelor degree in MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS  Department Program Information : # Content Content Plan Study Plan Study Plan   (2017-2018) Course Brief Description Course Brief Description   (2016-2017) A sample learning outcomes matrix for course with the subjects A sample learning outcomes matrix for the course with the subjects (2017-2018) […]

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Bachelor’s Degree

    Science and Information Technology   – Mathematics   – Computer Science   – Computer Information Systems   – Software Engineering   – Computer Networks   – Multimedia       Economics and Administrative Sciences   – Accounting   – Banking and finance   – Business Administration   – Hospitality and Tourism Management   […]

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Squares and Parks

The University has always been trying to make of itself what its name, Al-Zaytoonah, means. As Al-Zaytoonah means a blessed, useful green tree, so does Al-Zaytoonah University has become known for its quality education and beautiful green to pography. The a park like setting to create a healthy environment for students to meet, sit, talk and pursue quality […]

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Club Alumni

This club has been established to serve as a link between the University and the Jordanian people. It is hoped that ZUJ graduates will always remain loyal to their university and Community by joining the club and meeting each other. In the club there are offices and a hall where they can hold meetings, discuss […]

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Administrative Buildings

Al-Zaytoonah University has been expanding and adding new administrative buildings on Campus, the last of which is the very attractive building where the Office of the President is located. Truly this last building is an architectural marvel. The administrative buildings are: 1.     Student Affairs Department Building This building is 1307 m2 and it consists of two Storeys’ and a ground floor. In […]

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About University

    Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan (henceforth, Al-Zaytoonah) was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. Instruction began on September 6, 1993, and since then Al-Zaytoonah has witnessed considerable progress, at both the infrastructure and academic levels. It now includes six faculties, encompassing […]

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The Eleventh International Annual Conference


The Eleventh International Annual Conference – Busniss Intelligence & Knowledge Economy     The Eleventh International Annual Conference – Busniss Intelligence & Knowledge Economy Conference Link: تاريخ النشر :18-1-2012

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Kuwaiti ambassador in Amman Visits Al-Zaytoonah University


    His Excellency Hamad Al-Diraick, Kuwaiti ambassador in Amman, accompanied by a Kuwaiti embassy delegation has paid avidest to the Private University of Al-Zaytoonah. Upon his arrive; he was welcomed by president of the University, Prof. Dr. Rushdi Hassan in the presence of Mr. Ali Al-Qurum, Head of the commission of Directors, Dean of […]

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Al-Zaytoonah University receives Saudi Tiba University Delegation


    President of Al-Zaytoonah University, Prof. Dr. Rushdi Hassan has received a delegation representing headmasters of schools in Medinal Munwera city. The Saudi delegation is attending a training programmer in educational management held by the centre of Training and Social service at Tiba University / Medinal Munawra. The visiting team was headed by the […]

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