Management Information Systems

  .No Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Enas Al-Lozi Associate Professor – Head of Management Information Systems Click Hare 2 Dr. Raed Al-Qirem  Associate Professor – Department of representative Click Hare 3 Dr. Khaled Omoosh Associate Professor Click Hare 4 Dr. Zayed Dasouqi Assistant Professor Click Hare 5 Miss. Suzan Khaleel Lecture Click Hare

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  .No Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Mohammed Ashour Assistant Professor – Head of Department  Click Here 2 Dr. Mahmood Alsamydai Professor Click Here 3 Dr. Demah Al-Dajani  Assistant Professor Click Here 4 Dr. Nafez Ali Assistant Professor Click Here 5  Dr. Mahmoud Allan Assistant Professor Click Here 6 M. Omar Hamideh Teacher Click Here 7 Dr. Ihab Ali Mustafa […]

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Department of Banking And Finance

  .No Name Acadmic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Nawwaf Salem Assistant Professor -Head of Banking And Finance Click Here 2 Dr. Mohammed Al-Attar Assistant Professor  Click Here 3 Dr. Mohammad Al-Qadi Associate Professor Click Here 4 Dr. Shatha Yusuf Associate Professor Click Here 5 Dr. Ibrahim Alloush  Assistant Professor Click Here 6 Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Azzawi Assistant Professor Click Here 7 Dr. Abdullah […]

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Department of Computer and Communications Engineering

    No. Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Yousef Jaradat Assistant Professor – Head of Department Click Here   2  Dr. Ismael Jannoud Associate Professor Click Here   3  Dr. Mahmoud Masoud Assistant Professor Click Here  4 Dr. Saleh Gazzar Assistant Professor Click Here  5 Dr. Isra’ Bashayreh Teacher Click Here 

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

1- Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CIE) 2- Department of Electrical Engineering / Power and Control (PCE) 3- Department of Electrical Engineering / Communication and Computer (CCE) 4- Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) 5- Department of Alternative Energy Technology (AET)         эвакуатор по украине купить кастрюли

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Department of Basic Sciences

  No.  Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Khalid Jaber Assistant – Head of the Department of Basic Science Professor Click here 2 Dr. feras alaza Associate Professor – Director of Quality Office Click here 3 Dr. Esam Odeh Associate Professor Click here 4 Dr. Hassan Alzo’by Assistant Professor Click here 5 M. maysoon […]

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Department of Law

  .No Name Academic Rank  Portal Link  1 Dr. Yassen Mohammad Professor/ Dean  Click Here  2 Dr. Muner Al-ofaishat Assistant Professor – Dean of Student Affairs Click Here 3 Dr. Mohammad Elmahasneh Professor  Click Here  4 Dr. Hisham Kasasbeh Assistant Professor Click Here 5 Dr. Sarah  Alarasi Associate Professor Click Here 6 Dr. Ahmad Shahrouri […]

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Department of Multimedia Systems

  No. Name Academic Rank Portal Link 1 Dr. Fuad Alqarem Assistant Professor – Head of Multimedia Systems Click Here   2  Dr. Ayman Abdalla Associate Professor Click Here   3  Dr. Sokyna Alqatawneh Assistant Professor Click Here  4 Dr. Mustafa Rifaee Assistant Professor Click Here  5 M. Mosa Salah Teacher Click Here  6 M. Akram Abdelqader […]

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