Electronic Journals

Numerical data bases Library provides a set of electronic data bases in various academic fields which are of two type’s electronic data bases for periodicals and for books. They are as follows:  A – Electronic data bases of periodicals Library use currently been participating in the following electronic data bases provides a great number of […]

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Electronic Library

    AL-Zaytoonah Library subscribed to a number of databases for reference books and E-journals according to the instructions of Jordanian Private Universities Association. & Electronic Information Sources It contains e-Journals, thousands of papers in full text collected from 30 databases for all sciences. The user can search in all databases of EBSCO through the […]

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Electronic Sources

The Library has subscriptions in the following electronic databases which provide a wide range of Full-text periodicals. The library contains a number of electronic information database sources in different academic accredited specialties at the university and in different form concerned with Journals and books.

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Printed Sources

The library acquires the following resources, in addition to printed information sources and electronic publication: • Electronic Database laboratory. • Full fledged personal computers available in all library halls, aiming at training beneficiaries how to use library resources. • Data show with all supplements • A set for transforming educational recording to magnetic compact disks, […]

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Facilities and Student Services (University in pictures)

. تحميل النسخة الكاملة   • Industrial Branch:  Engineering (except Architecture), science and information technology, Education, and specialization of management information systems. • Commercial. Hotel, and House Economy Branches:  Humanitarian and social sciences. • Agricultural Branch:  Science, Education, and Management information systems. * Non-Jordanian students can be admitted without  the average requirement with a maximum limit of (10) marks less […]

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Help medical insurance for college students

. تحميل النسخة الكاملة   • Students who hold Jordanian community colleges diploma and passed the comprehensive exam at a rate not less than (68%) except  pharmacy , engineering, veterinary medicine spatiality. Their comprehensive average should not be less than (70%) and they can bridge to equal specializations. • Students who hold community colleges diploma (three […]

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Help master’s degree

. تحميل النسخة الكاملة   • High school students / scientific section are allowed  to study in all disciplines. •High school students / Literary and Legal branches are allowed to study in the disciplines of humanities and social sciences. • High school students / Information Management Branch (Track I), are allowed to study in the disciplines […]

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Acceptance Requirements

Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan contains eight faculties including twenty-eight specializations within the Bachelor Program and other nine within Master program

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Faculties and disciplines at the university

. Download Full Text   Dear students, to learn more about the nature of the disciplines and outputs, the following table shows the fields of knowledge and skills acquired by students of discipline, and what are their later specialties in the labor market.

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University goals and objectives

. Download Full Text To achieve the University’s vision and mission, the strategic plan is based on a group of goals and objectives to be achieved as follows: Provide advanced learning environment, and adopt the lesson plans to serve the needs of society and help in the academic progress. First goal Preparing capable and qualified expertise, in the specialized accredited areas of study at the University.   Second goal Motivate and support students to learn, […]

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