Organizing committee

International Scientific Committee   Prof. Wolfgang Streicher/ University of Innsbruck – Austria Prof. Ibrahim Elshafiey / King Saud University – KSA Prof. Yousef Al Hayek / United Arab Emirate University – UAE Prof. Salman Ajib /Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe / Standort Höxter –Germany Prof. Abdulrahman Alamoud/ King Saud University-Saudi Arabia Dr. Mark Hooper/ Coventry University – UK […]

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Important Dates

Paper draft submission                                 28-02-2014 Notification of paper acceptance                  12-03-2014 Final paper submission                                 12-04-2014

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Dr. Lubna Badri Mohammad Chair of Computer and Communication Engineering Department Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Amman – 11733 Jordan  Tel.:  +962 6 4291511   EXT. 377  Fax:  +962 6 4291432 Email:     Website:  

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Conference Objectives

The objectives of the conference are: To provide a forum for interdisciplinary scientific exchange among researchers, experts and engineers in the topic of sustainability. To examine current developments in the field sustainability and therefore identify emerging trends, opportunities and challenges. To promote interaction between various fields involved in sustainability engineering.

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The Journal of Nursing Science is a forum and a resource for nurses in the region and all over the world. Authors are encouraged topresent relevant local, regional and global issues for the international community. Nurses and allied health personnel can present and document their work in the following areas: 1. International, regional and local […]

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Graduate Studies Scientific Disciplines & Tuition fees

Graduate Studies Scientific Disciplines & Tuition fees   The College Specialization  Plan Hours Free /Credit Hour/ JD  Free/Credit Hour/Dollar FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  COMPUTER SCIENCE  33  120  170 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING  33  120  170 MATHEMATICS 33 130 184 FACULTY OF PHARMACY PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES  33  150  212 FACULTY OF BUSINESS  BUSINESS Administration  33  150  212 […]

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Time of lectures during the holy month of Ramadan

          برنامج المحاضرات في شهر رمضان المبارك     اليـــــوم     مواعيد المحاضرات قبل رمضان                                                            مواعيد المحاضرات في رمضان   الاحــــــد     […]

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Master of Business Administration (2)

At Al-Zaytoonah University, we differentiate ourselves by encouraging participation in our MBA program from students of different specialties and backgrounds such as Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Pharmacy, Mathematics, Engineering and other non-business majors.  The MBA program encourages scientific research in business with a focus on innovation and development to aid in problem solving and sustainable […]

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Master of Accounting

Vision Statement : Excellence in academics and research in the field of Accounting, and enhancement of competitiveness in the labor market. Mission Statement: Working according to high quality academic and professional standards to contribute actively in providing the labor market with the specialized competencies in the field of Accounting in line with scientific and technological […]

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Computer Laboratories (2)

.Inspired by the tremendous advances in the field of Information Technology (IT) , and in an endeavor to integrate IT in the various economic and business disciplines, the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences has brought into application IT inputs to ensure the highest quality output in terms of teaching and research efforts.All Faculty departments […]

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