International Arab Conference of e-Technology (IACeT)

  The International Arab Conference of e-Technology (IACe-T’2016) is a refereed scientific conference that will act as a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of e-Technology. The permanent base of IACe-T is based on Arab Open University, Jordan.   International Arab Conference […]

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Blood Donation campaign


  The University will start a campaign for blood donation on Sunday 25/10/2015 in collaboration with the National Blood Bank. Anyone who feel ready and happy to donate should contact the Health Center at the University

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The Iraqi cultural attaché meets with the Iraqi students at the University


His Excellency the president Professor Turki Obaidat received the Iraqi cultural attaché Professor Abbas Al-Husseini who met with the Al-Zaytoonah University Iraqi students. Professor Al-Husseini thanked the University on its support and collaboration with the Iraqi Students from all faculties and admired the high educational level the University holds locally and regionally. He also advised […]

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Scientific Research Instructions

    Instructions of Participation in International Conferences Scientific Research Projects Support Instructions Scientific Research Forms Scientific research system Instructions for incentives and publishing support for research and books

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دعوة للمشاركة في مؤتمر IEEEAEECT 2015


تعلن جامعة الاميرة سمية  وبالتعاون مع مجمع المهندسين الكهربائيين والالكترونيين عن انعقاد المؤتمر الدولي  IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT 2015) في فندق موفنبك البحر الميت من 3 – 5 /2015/11 -:وتتضمن فعاليات المؤتمر عرضا لابحاث علمية اصلية في سبعة من محاور تقنيات الهندسة الكهربائية والحوسبة التطبيقية خمسة متحدثين رئيسين  […]

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Home New

Twenty Five Years of Giving /****************************************** - PREPARE PLACEHOLDER FOR SLIDER - ******************************************/ var setREVStartSize = function() { var tpopt = new Object(); tpopt.startwidth = 1095; tpopt.startheight = 300; tpopt.container = jQuery('#rev_slider_1_1'); tpopt.fullScreen = "off"; tpopt.forceFullWidth="off"; tpopt.container.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").css({height:tpopt.container.height()});tpopt.width=parseInt(tpopt.container.width(),0);tpopt.height=parseInt(tpopt.container.height(),0);;;if(>;if(tpopt.bh1){;}tpopt.height=Math.round(tpopt.startheight*(tpopt.width/tpopt.startwidth));if(tpopt.height>tpopt.startheight&&tpopt.autoHeight!="on")tpopt.height=tpopt.startheight;if(tpopt.fullScreen=="on"){*tpopt.startheight;var cow=tpopt.container.parent().width();var coh=jQuery(window).height();if(tpopt.fullScreenOffsetContainer!=undefined){try{var offcontainers=tpopt.fullScreenOffsetContainer.split(",");jQuery.each(offcontainers,function(e,t){coh=coh-jQuery(t).outerHeight(true);if(coh var $n = jQuery.noConflict(); $n(document).ready(function() { $n(".mainSliderDiv").jCarouselLite({ btnNext: ".next", btnPrev: ".prev", speed: 1000, circular: true, [...]

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University brochure

أنباء الزيتونة يونيو 2019 أنباء الزيتونة يناير 2019 أنباء الزيتونة أكتوبر 2018 الهيكل التنظيمي والوصف الوظيفي 2018-2019 كتاب القوانين والأنظمة والتعليمات 2018-2019 كتاب القوانين والأنظمة والتعليمات 2017 دليل الطالب 2018-2019 دليل الطالب 2014-2015 تعليمات السلامة العامة والمهنية إسترتيجية إدارة المخاطر تعليمات الهيئة التدريسية 2016 دليل الخطط الدراسية 2013-2014  تعليمات استخدام الخزائن الحديدية داخل حرم الجامعة […]

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Conference Themes

1- Innovation Management: Concepts, process & Techniques: Fundamentals of Innovation Management. Knowledge and Innovation Management. Innovation Systems and Techniques. Innovation of Innovation Management. Arab Manager and Innovation 2- Strategic Innovation Management: Innovation and Creativity in Business. Innovation Strategies in Business. Measuring Innovative Performance. Innovation and Competitive Advantage. 3- Innovation Management and Networking: Innovation Economies in […]

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In light of a changing world where economies decline and merge, and new business models prevail and compete in a globalized world, the success of business organizations is associated with the concept of product and service innovation and in the collective effort and the systematic organization of innovation management, its execution, interaction and implementation in […]

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AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences The 14th   Scientific Annual International Conference For Business Innovation Management in Business 20 – 22 April 2015 .

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