Legislation & College Strategic Planning

      Faculty of Arts   Faculty Strategic Plan 2020-2023 Faculty yearly Plan 2021-2022 Faculty yearly Report 2020-2021 The Book of Laws, Regulations, and Instructions – 2019 The Book of Laws, Regulations, and Instructions – 2017 The Book of Laws, Regulations, and Instructions – 2014

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Program learning outcomes


Program learning outcomes for English Language – Literature Program Program Vision Building specialized competencies in the field of English literature, achieving leadership and excellence at the local and regional levels, and supplying the labor market with distinguished graduates armed with knowledge, skills and competencies, capable of creative application in the use of information technology and […]

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Master Thesis Abstracts for MATHEMATICS   Academic year 2023-2024  Title Researcher Supervisor Co-Supervisor Date of discussion Language of the Thesis Abstract 1. Subspace Properties of Lindelöf Topological Groups Abdelrahman Ifraih Aloudat Dr. Hamza Alzaareer – 03-06-2024 English  PDF  2. Effect of Truncation Based on Residual Entropy Almutazbellah Waleed Khaled Masa’deh Dr. Ma’mon Abu Hammad – 02-06-2024 English  […]

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Department of Artificial Intelligence

 Faculty of Science and Information Technology Chair  Department of Artificial Intelligence Dr.Belal Hani Hawashin         Artificial Intelligence  The department was established in 2018. Currently, it has (7) faculty members and (397 ) enrolled students. Since its inception, (65) students have graduated at the undergraduate level. Regarding the scientific research outcomes, the department members […]

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