Research and Enterprise Office (REO)

Research and Enterprise Office (REO)   It is important to decide, before establishing the Research and Enterprise Office (REO) or so called Technology Transfer Office (TTO), about its operational scope, mission, goals, risks, how the office will be funded, how it will be managed, what physical and human infrastructures are needed, outlines the responsibilities and […]

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  1.1            Importance Technology transfer helps develop early stage intellectual property into tools for direct use by the research community, or into bases for new platforms, products, or services to be made into products for public use. Successful collaborations are formed between researchers across different universities or industries in order to advance the knowledge in […]

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  1.1            Benefits There are a multitude of benefits to all players in the technology transfer arena.  Jordan industry benefits with new and better products, processes, and services that lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness, greater market share and increased profits.  By benefiting industries, the economy is strengthened which, in turn, benefits all citizens.  Al-Zaytoonah […]

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Technology Transfer

… 1.1            Introduction Technology transfer is the process of converting scientific findings into useful products or services for society. All of this requires sound IP (intellectual property) management, which makes such partnerships more effective and allows technologies to be transferred not just in one direction but in more complex and valuable ways, to benefit more […]

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Strategic Plan

Research & Enterprise Office   Strategic Plan         Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan 2014 – 2020

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Time Topic Presenter 10:00 Welcome note Prof. Rushdi Hasan (President of ZUJ) and Prof Aldahoud Ali, Correspondence of ZUJ 10:15 Introduction to workshop. Prof. Walid Abu Salameh (Project coordinator)   An award for the best business plan among all Jordanian students.  Project partners   TTO network establishment.  Project partners   TTO website at each partner […]

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No. Name Institution 1 Prof. Walid Abu Salameh Princess Sumaya University for Technology 2 Prof. Thafer Yusif Assaraira Mu’tah University 3 Prof. Raed Abdallah Abu Zitar American University of Madaba 4 Prof. Ayman Jameel Alnsour Al-Isra University 5 Prof. Ali Asad Al Dahoud Al Zaytooneh University 6 Dr. Ali Almaqousi University of Petra 7 Dr. […]

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Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Toward A University Enterprise Alliance in Jordan     The importance of relations between universities and their socio-economic environment has become a topical issue in Europe in the last 20 years, and has also been stressed within the implementation of the Bologna process. Whereas in most European countries, relations between Universities […]

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TEJ 2015 Workshop

Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Toward A University Enterprise Alliance in Jordan     TEJ WORKSHOP     Thursday, March 31, 2015 At 10 A.M.     Al-Zaytoonah University Of Jordan Faculty of Science and Information Technology Conference room, 3rd floor

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يوما توعويا لمرض القرنية المخروطية في الزيتونة


    استضافت جامعة الزيتونة الأردنية يوم الثلاثاء 7/4/2015 مركز الشريف للعيون لتوعية الطلاب بمرض القرنية المخروطية ، وجاء هذا النشاط ايمانا من الجامعة بأهمية رفع مستوى الوعي الصحي  لدى الطلاب. وتضمن هذا النشاط الذي شارك فيه العديد من الطلاب والعاملين بالجامعة من أعضاء الهيئتين التدريسية والإدارية شروحات عن هذا المرض وفحوصات مجانية .

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