
Conference date 17-19 September 2015

Deadline of abstract submission 30/6/2015

Deadline of research submission 3/9/2015

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(Conference’s Brochure (1

(Conference’s Brochure (2


1.  Language , literature and , cultural studies

–  Cultural Studies: Definition and intentions.

–  Cultural Studies and literary analysis.

–  Cultural Studies and Linguistic analysis.

–  Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA): Language in its Political and Economical Contexts.

–   Discourse practice: Text as a product, recipient as a consumer .

–  Popular Culture texts .

–  Literature and Films Industry .


2.  Cultural Studies and Literary Criticism Theories

–  Reader response theory.

–  Culturally situated theory.

–  Rhetorical Criticism .

–  Feminist theory .

–  New historicism .

–  Mythological intertextuality  .

–  Genre overlapping .

–  Critic function in the context of multiculturalism .


3.  Literature between two cultures: central and marginal. (A critique of the category )

–  Literature and gender differences: from masculinity to feminist participation.

–   Literature and ethnic diversity.

–  Orientalism and postcolonial literature.

–  Literature and social class.

–  Text between two cultures: Translation horizons.


4.  Language from a multicultural perspective

–  Comparative Linguistics .

–  Language Structures and social structures: speculating ethnic groups representations in Language .

–  Language between two ideological functions: Hegemony and oppression.

–  Bilingualism , Diglossia , Language attraction and the issue of identity .   

5.  Multiculturalism and legacy : Dialectic of reception

–  Acculturation and criticism terms in the Arabic Islamic Legacy.

–  The presence of Arabic Literature in the mirror of Other: the case of the Andalusian Spectacle .

–  Cultural categories of linguistic discourse in Arabic legacy.

–  Multiculturalism in the legacy : the standing model (Travel  Literature, Biographies …..  )