AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, is one of the national private higher education institutions. The University was founded in 1993 and after more than two decades, the number of students has reached (8000) students, studying in (7) colleges that offer (29) academic programs, including (25) on the Bachelor level and (4) on the Master level. To date, the faculty members have reached (334) members, (260) of them are Doctorates recipients (31% of which are females), distributed as follows: (25) are Full Professors, (50) Associate Professor and (185) are Assistant Professors and (74) hold Master degree recipients.
The University forms an important anchor in thought industry and meets the challenges of modernization, technological and cognitive development and communication revolution based on scientific heritage, values and humanitarian principles. The University was able to build its position as one of the first national universities not only locally or regionally, but even exceeded that in reaching some of its graduates advanced positions in their countries.
Diversity among faculty members, their qualifications and experience ensures continuous improvement in their expertise and performance, has led to effective exercise of their responsibilities and professional development strategies. The university seeks to employ professors from outside, whether they are university professors or have doctoral degrees, master’s or practitioners who work in state institutions or the private sector and recruit them.
سنةالتأسيسYear / Established |
1993 |
أعضاءهيئةالتدريس |
دكتوراهPhD |
260 |
عددالبرامج |
بكالوريوسBachelor |
25 |
ماجستير Master |
74 |
ماجستيرMaster |
4 |
المجموعالكلي Total |
334 |
المجموعالكلي Total |
29 |
عددالطلبة |
بكالوريوسBachelor |
7819 |
ماجستير Master |
53 |
المجموعالكلي Total |
7872 |
أعضاءهيئةالتدريسحسبمصدرالشهادة (الماجستير/الدكتوراه) |
المصدر / Source |
العدد /No. |
Jordan |
الأردن |
103 |
161 |
163 (48.6%) |
Iraq |
العراق |
27 |
Syria |
سورية |
2 |
Lebanon |
لبنان |
2 |
Egypt |
مصر |
19 |
Algeria |
الجزائر |
2 |
Sudan |
السودان |
6 |
America |
أمريكا |
41 |
43 |
171 (51.4%) |
Canada |
كندا |
1 |
Japan |
اليابان |
1 |
UK |
بريطانيا |
47 |
53 |
Australia |
استراليا |
4 |
Ireland |
ايرلندا |
2 |
Ukraine |
اوكرانيا |
7 |
29 |
Russia |
روسيا |
10 |
Hungary |
هنغاريا |
1 |
Bulgaria |
بلغاريا |
1 |
Moldavia |
ملدافيا |
2 |
Poland |
بولندا |
1 |
Romania |
رومانيا |
5 |
Turkey |
تركيا |
2 |
Greece |
اليونان |
1 |
19 |
Sweden |
السويد |
1 |
France |
فرنسا |
7 |
Italy |
ايطاليا |
2 |
Germany |
المانيا |
7 |
Belgium |
بلجيكا |
1 |
China |
الصين |
2 |
27 |
Taiwan |
تايوان |
1 |
Malaysia |
ماليزيا |
12 |
India |
الهند |
10 |
Pakistan |
الباكستان |
2 |
32مصدردرجةعلمية؛ المجموع |
332 |
Al-Zaytoonah is keen to show diversity among its faculty members. Although, priority is given to Jordanians, the University in the absence of availability, gives particular attention to employ from the Arab brotherhood and share work for their participation in the development processes of learning, technological capabilities, communication and contact skills.
أعضاءهيئةالتدريسحسبالجنسية |
Nationality / الجنسية |
/ Number العدد |
/ Percentage النسبة |
Jordanian / أردنية |
258 |
77.2% |
Iraqi / عراقية |
51 |
15.3% |
Syrian / سورية |
10 |
3.0% |
Palestinian / فلسطينية |
3 |
0.9% |
Egyptian / مصرية |
7 |
2.1% |
Libyan / ليبية |
2 |
0.6% |
Canadian / كندية |
1 |
0.3% |
Hollander / هولندية |
1 |
0.3% |
Ukrainian / اوكرانية |
1 |
0.3% |
Total / المجموع |
334 |
100% |