Local Grade | Description | No. of points * |
A | Excellent | 84-100 |
B | Very good | 76-83.9 |
C | Good | 68-75.9 |
D | Satisfactory | 60-67.9 |
E | Sufficient | 50-60 |
FX | Fail | 35-49.9 |
F | Fail | 35-49.9 |
ECTS Credits | ZUJ Credit |
3 | 1.5 |
4 | 2 |
6 | 3 |
8 | 4 |
10 | 5 |
* Note: The indicated number of points may vary from faculty to faculty, or even on departmental level, as it relates to the evaluation of student knowledge (maximum 100 points) and includes pre-exam obligations (class activity, seminars, presentations, colloquia, attendance, etc.) and the final exam.