My story began when I finished the Tawjihi stage. I was a child and I had passion and ambition regarding the subject of digital media in its field. I was always with my friends interested in photographing victims. When the Tawjihi stage ended, my mother asked me to enroll in the majors known at the present time, such as accounting, financial sciences, and banking. The administration partly refused to dismiss me because of my love and inclination for media in general. He encouraged me to come and said to me in one digit, “Go for the major in which you see yourself as a student.” And from here I began my journey in the multimedia technology major at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. Every day, every week, and every year, I began to develop myself through specialization, either through the university, or through academic courses, or through various educational sources. However, by the time I reached the third year of university, I had been able to prepare a portfolio of large works that contained a collection of various media materials. The last semester of the fourth year, I got a job in a digital company while I was still studying. Then I started from one place to another, but I have now reached where it is