The faculty was established in 1993. It has 29 faculty teaching members and 850 students. The faculty has graduated 17 classes of B.Sc. degree and one class of M.Sc. degree. The faculty members have

published 129 research publications in international peer-reviewed journals and 17 research participations in arabic and international conferences. The faculty has held four international conferences in the

fields of pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. The employment percentage of its graduates, locally and regionally, was 99%.


The most important achievements of the faculty are:

1. Establishment of the master program in pharmaceutical sciences in the first semester of the academic year 2011-2012.

2. Achievement of the highest total capacity for students (850 students) among the private universities.

3. The faculty has registered two patents.

4. The faculty has established five well-equipped laboratories for scientific research purposes.

5. The faculty was the first among its peers in training its students to practice pharmacy profession


 and medicines dispensing through the establishment of a virtual pharmacy inside the faculty building.

6. The faculty granted 8 Ph.D. scholarships in different pharmaceuticals disciplines.

7. The faculty has signed a scientific cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Pharmacy at Toledo University / Ohio / U.S.A.

8. The faculty has established an animal house for both teaching and scientific research purposes

9. The faculty contributes to the community service through free medical days all over the Kingdom

10. The faculty participates in the scientific committees of pharmaceutical companies and cooperates with the Jordan Pharmacists Association and other educational institutions in organizing scientific

and educational lectures and seminars.