Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Dr. Safwan Al-Qawabah
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the faculty of Engineering and Technology at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan.
The faculty was established to keep up with the advances in science and technology. We offer our student body an exceptional learning environment that prepares them for life and fulfilling work, in a context of ever-expanding knowledge. Our commitment to creativity and our passion for research and knowledge must be central to every aspect of University life.
The Engineering deanship is committed to helping its students take the initial steps to prepare themselves for the challenges of the rapidly changing fields of engineering and technology. The Engineering deanship strives to achieve a quality reputation at the national, regional, and international levels. Furthermore, the deanship welcomes you to contact us at any time for help, assistance and advice.
Contact Us
-Tel: (+962) 6 4291511 Ext.335 – Fax: (+962) 6 4291432 – P.O.Box: 130 Amman ( 11733 ) Jordan – E-mail: |