Al- Zaytoonah University of Jordan has participated in the IAU 2018 International Conference held in Kuala Lumpur capital of Malaysia, with a paper entitled” The Role of Universities in Community Service and Social Development- Case Study Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan” prepared by University President Professor Turki Obiadat, Director of Foreign Relations, Professor Ali Al-Dahoud and Director of Quality Assurance Dr. Firas Al-Azzah.
Through his participation in the conference, Al-Dahoud elaborated that the paper focused on preserving the university’s environment, providing financial support to local community, providing outreach activities for the local community conducted by faculty members and students, providing university facilities for governmental and non-governmental institutions free of charge, practical training for students and university graduates, in addition to sharing academic expertise with other universities and local institutions, scientific research, providing free medical services for local community, granting discounts on students tuition fees, conducting free courses and training diploma Counseling Center Studies as well as Community Services for local community members.
It worthy of note that the number of scholars in the conference was around 330 from 70 different countries.