Jean Watson Visits Nursing College at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan

Amman, Jordan - Dr. Jean Watson, pioneer of the "Human Caring" theory in nursing, visited the College of Nursing at the Jordan University of Zaituna on May.27th.2024 . Dr. Watson delivered a lecture on the "Human Caring" theory and its significance in nursing practice. Dr. Watson also discussed with faculty and students the challenges facing the nursing profession in Jordan and the Arab world.

The "Human Caring" Theory

The "Human Caring" theory is one of the most important theories in nursing. This theory centers on the idea that nursing is an art and a care for the whole person, including their physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. The theory emphasizes the importance of building a trusting relationship between the nurse and the patient, and that nursing is more than just providing medical care, it is also about providing support and comfort to the patient.

Importance of the Visit

Dr. Watson's visit to the College of Nursing at the Jordan University of Zaituna is a significant event for nursing students in Jordan. This visit provided them with the opportunity to learn from one of the world's leading proponents of the "Human Caring" theory. The visit also helped raise awareness about the importance of nursing in Jordanian society.

Challenges Facing the Nursing Profession

Dr. Watson discussed with faculty and students the challenges facing the nursing profession in Jordan and the Arab world. Some of the most important challenges include:

  • Nurse shortage

  • Increased workloads

  • Low salaries

  • Lack of government support

  • Limited opportunities for professional development

  • Steps Towards a Better Future

Dr. Watson stressed the importance of working hard to address the challenges facing the nursing profession. She emphasized the need to strengthen the role of nurses in delivering healthcare, and to support them by governments and healthcare institutions. Dr. Watson also called for providing more opportunities for professional development for nurses, and improving their salaries and status in society.


Dr. Watson's visit to the College of Nursing at the Jordan University of Zaituna is a positive step towards a better future for nursing in Jordan. This visit helped raise awareness about the importance of nursing, and called for action to address the challenges facing this profession.
