Dr. Malakeh Malak
Prof. Malakeh Malak has a Ph.D. degree in Community Health Nursing. She is working at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan at Amman City in Jordan where she is working as a researcher instead of an academic position as a professor. She is an Editorial Board Member for many journals including, the Journal of Nursing Management, Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, SM Addiction Research & Therapy, Global Journal of Health Science and Nursing, Integrative Journal of Global Health, and UPI Journal of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences (UPI-JPMHS) and others. She is a reviewer of many Journals. She published many articles and she is working on other studies. She is an active member of community services and national/International organizations such as the Council of Asian Science Editors (CASE), International Health Literacy Association (AHLA), American Psychological Association International, and Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC).