Prof. Khaled Hassan Suleiman
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the electronic website of the Faculty of Nursing at the Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan.
You have made a good choice
The Faculty of Nursing has been established early in 1993 to grant bachelor degree in nursing. The faculty developed rapidly by its modern curriculums that aim to raise the quality of educational outcomes and providing students with the ability to deal with health changes, scientific developments, and new technologies. The faculty seeks to improve the scientific level of the academic curricula and research in addition to the local, regional and global scientific reputation as a response to the requirements for accreditation, and in line with the vision and mission of the university.
The learning atmosphere at the Faculty of Nursing is built on the vision and mission of the University. Our distinctive programs are rich in expert nursing resources. Our faculty is part of a community of scholars and clinicians who refine the curricula annually to reflect changes in practice, advancing technology and input from our students’ experiences. The faculty is committed to preparing skillful and compassionate nurse leaders who excel in the workforce and contribute to creating better systems of care for those we serve to use. The diverse student body is beneficial and adds to the experience of students and polishing their personalities and expands their culture.
Our Graduates are distinguished by their critical thinking skills, leadership ability, and excellence in clinical practice. They move on to positions where they shape and influence the future of healthcare both nationally and internationally. The Faculty of Nursing graduates can be found providing care at a patient’s bedside, working effectively with multidisciplinary teams, directing challenges related to international health, educating future nurses or leading research projects pertinent to improving healthcare for our patients and their families.
The conduction of scientific research by faculty members and students contribute to the provision of nursing care based on scientific evidence and makes it directed to all segments of society in various fields. The nursing programs have a significant concern to community service in terms of providing consultancy and scientific lectures for academics and health workers in health-care settings. Also, the faculty conducts health surveys and provides care to all segments of society.
Glad you have decided to “Join some of the Brightest and Best Minds in the Nation”