Department Head Message
Dr. Mahmoud A. Zeidan, Department Head
Welcome to the program of Electrical Engineering / Communications and Computer (CCE)
The department of Electrical Engineering/ Communications and Computer Engineering (CCE) offers an undergraduate program leading to Bachelor of Science degree after completing 160 credit hours. This program covers the latest advances in the technological world and a wide spectrum of courses in the areas of communications and computer engineering. Some of these courses include electrical and electronic circuits, electromagnetics, signals and systems, communication systems, logic design, architectural design, embedded and microprocessor systems and their languages, wired and wireless networks, and network design. Laboratories are fundamental part of the EE/CCE program as they provide the necessary practical experience to the students. EE/CCE program combines the fundamentals of electrical engineering and in-depth knowledge of Communications and Computer reflected by the curriculum.
Browsing this web site gives you a great idea about the CCE program. However, you are welcome to visit us at any time where our faculty and staff will be happy to answer any of your questions.